The Team

Publisher, Printer, Bookseller
Marnie Parsons
Marnie has worked in libraries and bookstores; has studied, taught and reviewed literature; and continues to edit and print it. Her work has always grown out of a love of, and delight in, books and language. Running the Goat’s publications are further expressions of that love and delight.
She curates the selection of books in the shop. One of her great joys is putting good books in the hands of readers, especially young ones.

Social Media and Digital Coordinator
Rachel Dragland
Rachel brings her sly sense of humour to the Goat's social media presence. Her quirky and playful posts are continually engaging. She often lends a hand with printing and in-store sales, as well. In her spare time, she makes beautiful pottery that is available in our bricks-and-mortar shop.

Graphic Designer
Veselina Tomova
Co-owner of Vis-a-vis Graphics, Veselina is an honourary member of the Goat team. The gorgeous design of almost all of our publications, and much of our promotional material, is the result of her talent and good humour. You'll also find her delightul artwork in several Goat books.
Originally from Bulgaria, and trained in book design in East Germany, Veselina is also an award-winning artist, print maker, and ceramicist. She divides her time between St. John's and Rusalya, Bulgaria.

Press Cat, Critic
Who knew when she came to live in Tors Cove that Millie was a cat of such excellent taste and discrimination. She has lots of opinions about our publications, and about the books in the shop, and shares them on this website.