Saqamaw Misel Joe (CA)
Muinji’j Becomes a Man
Muinji’j Becomes a Man
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Breakwater Books
Saqamaw Mi’sel Joe is the chief of the Miawpukek Mi'kamawey Mawi'omi - Conne River Mi’kmaq Tribal Nation in Newfoundland. The Miawpukek Band Reserve, which is the only one recognized in Newfoundland, has an on reserve population of approximately 700 people. The reserve is located on the south east shore of Newfoundland. The reserve covers an area of some 14 square miles. It lies 560 km from the capital city of St. John's and 180 km from the nearest services center, Grand Falls. Saqamaw Mi’sel Joe was born in Miawpukek on June 4, 1947 into a strong Mi’kmaq family; both his grandfather and uncle have held the office of hereditary Saqamaw. He has been educated in all the Mi’kmaq ways and traditions. Currently, Mi’sel Joe is in his fourth consecutive two-year term as Administrative Chief. He is also the spiritual leader of his people. In this capacity he has gained recognition provincially, nationally and internationally, particularly in the area of spiritual healing. He lives together with his wife Colletta and granddaughter Ansalewit at Miawpukek First Nation in Newfoundland.