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Noel McDermott (CA)

Kiviuq and the Mermaids

Kiviuq and the Mermaids

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Kiviuq, one of the greatest and most important characters in Inuit mythology, is said to have travelled over land and sea overcoming obstacles and successfully defeating various fearsome foes. In Kiviuq and the Mermaids, young readers experience one of Kiviuq's most heartpounding adventures: an encounter with a group of frightening mermaids. With only his qayaq to keep him out of their clutches, Kiviuq must think fast to defeat these angry creatures of the deep!

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Noel McDermott is a retired professor of literature at Nunavut Arctic College where he lived and taught in Inuktitut and English for thirty-five years as a classroom teacher, school principal, and lecturer in the teacher training program. He has held Teaching Appointments at many other educational institutions, including McGill University, Trent University, the University of Waterloo, Ontario, as well as at the Sami University in Kautokeino, Norway.

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